Sunday 11 October 2015

What is Perfection?

What is perfection? What is pure/high art/
culture? What is considered state-of-the-art?
I attempt to answer these questions by limiting
the scope of endless possibilities to a single
solution - the solution that is universal,
appropriate, however most simple, and just right
in accordance to the context and problem
Architecturally speaking, one example is the
design of a beautiful castle, which is a very
archetypal one dating back to feudal times.
However, instead of importing its style from Dark
Ages or Victorian era, a good architect can
resolve designs of a house or mansion to the
state of the art let alone simply by interrogating
with the site issues and setting deformation at
work according to his/her philosophy/vision/ideas
of how to accommodate and function for the
programs/living/activities therein. While diversity
is appreciated, acknowledged and embraced
along with uncertainty principle and subjectivity, I
firmly believe that there should be a single right
answer to every problem, and the right answer is
different for every problem - it comes down to
how we strategize around and define problems. I
firmly believe also that the state of the art
architecture is one that simplifies the complex
set of problems and brings order to the chaos
provoked by the site circumstances and
sociocultural milieu. Finally, state of the art stuff
is defined by - the approach/design to the
problem that is JUST RIGHT, and has NOTHING
else MORE OR LESS than that.
So, back to the overarching question - what is
state-of-the-art? It comes down to the design
that seems JUST RIGHT, and has NOTHING else
MORE OR LESS than that. After all, perfection at
first may sound complex and extraordinary and
impossible but inherently may be quite simplest
and is a matter of the trick of minds of
humankind so deceived to take awe in such
things uncritically and unquestioningly.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Holographic Theory

I now that a lot of effort is being put into
Holographic Theory these days. Stephen
Hawking recently jumped on the bandwagon.
t'hooft, Susskind and many others that I respect
intellectually are working on it. I have some real
problems with it.
The information being encoded on or near the
horizon means absolutely nothing and a
Holographic Horizon is not conserving
information. There is still stuff that goes into the
black hole and then disappears. The information
is just how the stuff that goes inside is
described. It is the stuff that is important, not
how to describe the stuff. Any theory that
suggests stuff goes into a black hole, then the
Hawking Radiation makes the stuff disappear is
wrong. It is horribly bad.
What is wrong with it and every other version of
the holographic theory is that stuff falls in and
then disappears. Information is just yes/no
questions about the stuff. It is the stuff that is
important, not the information about the stuff. It
is like saying, it is OK for me to steal your car
because I left you the schematics of your
car.Since all the information is there, it is the
as the car.

The Freedom

The freedom!
We both were in love with freedom as well with each others. We used to oppose the masses for
being credulous and capricious, fanatic and
stupid. We thought they were chained by stupid
ideas and false ridiculous rituals. The victims of
dictatorship and obsolete ancient atrocities grew
nails and sharpened their teeth to get identified
as the 'followers of the cults'. They used to suck
up on people's blood and eat their children, the
children of freedom and light, the children of
consciences and thinking and the children of
peace and love. The society was like a jungle
where beasts used to live and those who fitted in
survived. The witches of dark used to haunt the
children of light. The leaders of capriciousness
used to butcher the birds of love and pluck the
roses of peace. Hell, I did never visit hell but I'm
sure that was a worldly hell. Me, me and my
loved one lastly decided to flee away to enjoy
our freedom, love and awareness. On the way,
the unflattering witches and scary beasts leered
us and tried to suck our bloods so they could get
us converted to their societal affiliations but we
run, run and run. We run very fast to cross the
borders of dictatorship and slavery, wars and
killings. And at last, we reached to the place of
freedom, we joyfully crossed the borders and
continued our journey toward more freedom,
more and more. I got tired on the way but my
beloved asked me not to take rest, to keep
walking as we've to find our destination. Our
destination, our own, based on our own thinking
and enlightenment, the destination of self
created love and peace, the place where there
would be no discrimination, killings and affliction,
but the only one, the affliction of the human
race. I tried more and walked, run and even
crawl, but my total free beloved asked for more
run, more and more ,towards an unknown place,
an unknown planet for his idealistic life and
worldly heaven. But I again got tired, and I asked
him I can't move now. I asked him,
Look, Look my love, we've the freedom
 now. Its
what we were wishing for, this is exactly the
place and life we've tried to achieve, this is our
goal. Free and happy life, where love, knowledge
and peace of inner self are available. But he
didn't care and asked me for more walk, for more
run and for more fatigue.
At last, I told him, I can't walk anymore, and he
threw me to the ground with might and shrug. He
stared me and his eyes were though immensely
attractive but scary. He ran away and sadly, I
have seen the chains in his legs, the new and
shining green chains, his nails were bigger and
teeth were sharp and they smelled fresh blood. It
was heartbreaking and cold like death, but I have
seen his slavery in another form. I cried, weep
and pleaded but he was running toward dark,
some strange and unknown dark, not the dark we
left behind in our own society. I was baffled at
his rejection of freedom but I did Nothing, I knew
he's no more mine. He was the child of virgin

Friday 9 October 2015

Knowledge does not change personality directly

It is believed that knowledge can automatically change personality,that is,the more you know,the more different person you will be.But it is false belief.
Automatic brain act similar to cognitive processes that occur in artificial "brain" of computers.
If particular knowledge is not mentally " absorbed ",if not use the language of sciences,but metaphor instead in order to describe it, and there is no significant difference in your vision before and after its existence, it means that you do not know it yet .
The true knowledge emerges only when you feel that you already know it.Without such feeling your brain doesn't hold any knowledge.