Sunday, 11 October 2015

What is Perfection?

What is perfection? What is pure/high art/
culture? What is considered state-of-the-art?
I attempt to answer these questions by limiting
the scope of endless possibilities to a single
solution - the solution that is universal,
appropriate, however most simple, and just right
in accordance to the context and problem
Architecturally speaking, one example is the
design of a beautiful castle, which is a very
archetypal one dating back to feudal times.
However, instead of importing its style from Dark
Ages or Victorian era, a good architect can
resolve designs of a house or mansion to the
state of the art let alone simply by interrogating
with the site issues and setting deformation at
work according to his/her philosophy/vision/ideas
of how to accommodate and function for the
programs/living/activities therein. While diversity
is appreciated, acknowledged and embraced
along with uncertainty principle and subjectivity, I
firmly believe that there should be a single right
answer to every problem, and the right answer is
different for every problem - it comes down to
how we strategize around and define problems. I
firmly believe also that the state of the art
architecture is one that simplifies the complex
set of problems and brings order to the chaos
provoked by the site circumstances and
sociocultural milieu. Finally, state of the art stuff
is defined by - the approach/design to the
problem that is JUST RIGHT, and has NOTHING
else MORE OR LESS than that.
So, back to the overarching question - what is
state-of-the-art? It comes down to the design
that seems JUST RIGHT, and has NOTHING else
MORE OR LESS than that. After all, perfection at
first may sound complex and extraordinary and
impossible but inherently may be quite simplest
and is a matter of the trick of minds of
humankind so deceived to take awe in such
things uncritically and unquestioningly.

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